Crochet Glossary: Learn the Lingo

I’m often contacted by others who are struggling on reading a pattern, understanding abbreviations, or needing a little bit of guidance on hook sizes or diagrams.


It came to me that it would be easiest to create a page that provided all of this information in a one-stop informative post. Here we have everything to guide you through terminology, shortcuts, short-hand, hook sizing, blanket sizes, and links to yarn conversions.

For anybody looking to write and design your own crochet patterns, this is a great guide to get you started!

Take time to read through this fountain of information and bookmark this page or Pin this page to your Pinterest board for quick reference for all your crochet terms.

This is a great guide to help when reading a written pattern:


This is a chart I found from Dabbles & Babbles to help with reading crochet charts and shares the US (American) Terms and the UK terms as well:


There are many different sizes of hooks, you can see the Number/Letter that correlates with the millimeter size for gauging your project:


Here is a little cheat-sheet to help when reading a written pattern. There are symbols that can become confusing, this diagram shares what those symbols mean. That can help sort out some confusion. I found this from one of my favorite designers, Stacey Trock.


Below are measurements for different sole sizes when you are making crocheted shoes/booties/slippers.

Different countries/languages have different terminology for crochet stitches. You can find translations here to help convert your pattern: [Image found on Pinterest]


Here is another chart to help with Netherlands (Dutch) Crochet terms and GB (Great Britain/UK) terms:



You can usually make your blankets as small or big as you want, but here are the typical sizes for blankets if you are trying to make something in a specific size.


For countries that use the metric system, here are the conversions for blanket sizes:
Baby: 101.6 cm X 152.4 cm
Throw: 152.4 cm X 121.92 cm
Lapghan: 91.44 cm X 121.92 cm
Twin: 99.06 cm X 190.5 cm
King: 193.04 cm X 203.2 cm

This is an awesome chart I found on Pinterest that gives sizing for any size hat. It tells you when to stop increasing (Crown Circle Diameter) and when to fasten off (Hat Height) for all hat sizes:


Below you will see a chart for yarn weights. In my video tutorials, I share what size yarn I use, and some questions have come up about the weight and ply. If you cannot access the same brand of yarn as I use in my video tutorial, you can use any brand that is the same ply/weight: **WPI=Wraps per inch**



If you are unable to access a specific yarn in your country, check out YARNSUB.COM to find an equivalent yarn that you can purchase near you.


In this video, I demonstrate a series of very basic crochet stitches that are useful for all crochet levels. It is geared toward the beginner crocheter as I take it step-by-step in a very easy to understand tutorial.

“Accurate information is the key part of motivation.” ~Mary Ann Allison



This post contains affiliate links, which I may be compensated for when you make a purchase. That means if you click on any link and buy from the linked websites, I will receive a small percentage of the value of your order. The amount you pay is not changed. Thank you for all your support in clicking the links in my blog!! You all are so amazing!! ~Nadia

The yarn provided for this pattern is courtesy of Red Heart Yarns